the other ones. stu­dio
Mar­cel D. Drzimotta
Kes­sel­berg­stra­ße 4
81539 Munich
Email: hey(at)
Pho­ne: +49.89.2 15 36 53 10
VAT ID num­ber: DE298491903
VAT Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on num­ber accor­ding to §27a Value Added Tax Act 
Respon­si­ble for the content:
Mar­cel D. Drzi­mot­ta (Address see above)
Lia­bi­li­ty for content

We took gre­at care in pre­pa­ring the con­tent for our web­site. Howe­ver, we can­not be held lia­ble for any con­tent that is not accu­ra­te, com­ple­te or up-to-date. As a ser­vice pro­vi­der, we are respon­si­ble for our own con­tent on the­se pages under gene­ral law in accordance with § 7 para­graph 1 TMG [Ger­man Tele­me­dia Act]. Accor­ding to §§ 8 to 10 TMG [Ger­man Tele­me­dia Act], we as a ser­vice pro­vi­der are not requi­red to moni­tor any trans­mit­ted or saved third-par­ty infor­ma­ti­on, nor are we requi­red to rese­arch cir­cum­s­tances that point to any unlawful activity.

Obli­ga­ti­ons to remo­ve or block infor­ma­ti­on under gene­ral law are not affec­ted by this pro­vi­si­on. Any lia­bi­li­ty in this respect is only pos­si­ble start­ing at the time at which the site ope­ra­tor beca­me awa­re of a spe­ci­fic inf­rin­ge­ment. If we are noti­fied of or beco­me awa­re of any inf­rin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve the cor­re­spon­ding con­tent immediately.

Lia­bi­li­ty for links 

Our web­site con­ta­ins links to other exter­nal third-par­ty web­sites. We can­not influence the con­tent of the­se sites. For this reason, we can­not be held lia­ble for this exter­nal con­tent. The respec­ti­ve pro­vi­ders or ope­ra­tors of the lin­ked sites and pages are respon­si­ble for this con­tent. The lin­ked pages were review­ed for poten­ti­al inf­rin­ge­ments when the links were crea­ted. At this point in time, the­re was no ille­gal con­tent to be found.

Howe­ver, it is unre­asonable to expect that we could con­ti­nuous­ly moni­tor the con­tent of the­se lin­ked pages wit­hout spe­ci­fic indi­ca­ti­ons of any inf­rin­ge­ments. If we are noti­fied of any inf­rin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve the cor­re­spon­ding links immediately. 


The con­tent and work crea­ted by the site ope­ra­tor and pre­sen­ted on the­se pages is sub­ject to Ger­man copy­right law. The dupli­ca­ti­on, pro­ces­sing, dis­tri­bu­ti­on and any type of uti­liza­ti­on bey­ond the limits of copy­right law requi­res express writ­ten per­mis­si­on from the respec­ti­ve aut­hor or crea­tor. Down­loads and copies of this web­site are only allo­wed for pri­va­te use, not com­mer­cial purposes.

Third-par­ty copy­right appli­es to any con­tent on the site that was not crea­ted by the ope­ra­tor. Third-par­ty con­tent is gene­ral­ly iden­ti­fied as such. If you noti­ce any copy­right inf­rin­ge­ments, plea­se noti­fy us. If we are noti­fied of any inf­rin­ge­ments, we will remo­ve the cor­re­spon­ding con­tent immediately.