Part-Time, as of now ⋅ Munich

Office Mana­ger (f/m/d)

As Office Mana­ger, you are our team and studio’s good soul and heart. No mat­ter if you’­re sup­port­ing accoun­ting, run­ning our dai­ly smooth­ly or plan­ning our mee­tings and events, you are the one who got our backs.
Brands need to be authen­tic to make a dif­fe­rence. And so do we. The­r­e­fo­re we are honest, always chan­ging, and always try­ing to impro­ve. We look for peo­p­le who want to come in and make us bet­ter – as a busi­ness, as a team, day by day.

About the role

You ope­ra­te as direct assis­tance to our foun­der sup­port­ing him in all busi­ness-rela­ted topics such as accoun­ting, calen­der and tra­vel coor­di­na­ti­on and inter­nal and exter­nal communication.

You lead and moni­tor all office-rela­ted admi­nis­tra­ti­ve tasks such as mana­ging deli­veries, orde­ring gro­cery and office sup­pli­es, sche­du­ling and pre­pa­ring mee­tings, mee­ting spaces and events.

You’­re our studio’s first cont­act per­son – exter­nal and inter­nal. You have a good sen­se of the needs and wis­hes of our cli­ents, visi­tors, part­ners and our team mana­ging them com­pe­tent via pho­ne, in mee­tings or face-to-face.

About you

You have a degree in busi­ness admi­nis­tra­ti­on and/or pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence in a com­pa­ra­ble posi­ti­on, ide­al­ly within the agen­cy sector.

You work self-orga­nis­ed, proac­ti­ve, struc­tu­red and relia­ble. Whe­ther you sup­port direct­ly or orga­ni­se over the long-time, you’­re the solid rock who always has the over­all overview.

You love mee­ting peo­p­le and socia­li­sing. As the first cont­act to our team, cli­ents, visi­tors and part­ners, you are com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve, fri­end­ly and con­fi­dent in your appearance.

About us

the other ones. is not just ano­ther design stu­dio. We are the crea­ti­ve force to (re)launch and deve­lop brands and businesses.

We part­ner with hun­gry cli­ents and mates to move brands, peo­p­le and busi­nesses for­ward. As com­pa­n­ions and chal­len­gers, we com­bi­ne stra­tegy, design and inter­ac­tion to offer indi­vi­du­al and tail­o­red solutions.

We belie­ve in the power of team­work. That’s why our team is as diver­se as our tasks. By bund­ling our strengths and rely­ing on a skil­led and inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry team, we design extra­or­di­na­ry and real solutions.

Tog­e­ther we crea­te to make a difference.

We stri­ve to build a diver­se, inclu­si­ve envi­ron­ment whe­re ever­yo­ne can feel app­re­cia­ted for who they are and get sup­port in their per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal growth. We are loo­king for crea­ti­ve peo­p­le loo­king for some­thing other becau­se we are too.

Hybrid working is an essen­ti­al part of our work, but we will prio­ri­ti­se can­di­da­tes exci­ted to work from our Munich studio. 
Office Mana­ger
Click below to app­ly. Plea­se include the job title in your sub­ject line.