Bre­wed to inspire.

Wan­na kick­start the new year? The Cold Bro is your instant sup­port to dri­ve you with fresh ener­gy and inspi­ra­ti­on to start your ide­as and pro­jects. But no worries: if it shouldn’t help or you’re run­ning out of stock, we from »the other ones« are on the spot to help and sup­port you.

Spe­cial cold brew recipes:

Cool Clas­sic


200 ml Cold Bro
1 small oran­ge zest


Prepa­re a glass with some ice cubes. Pour the Cold Bro smooth­ly over.

Careful­ly peel off a small pie­ce from an oran­ge. Squeeze the oran­ge zest over the glass to extra­ct oils, wipe the rim of the glass with it, and add to the glass.

Now enjoy.

Fiz­zy Friends


200 ml Cold Bro
100 ml Tonic Water
1 lemon slice


Prepa­re a glass with some ice cubes. Add the tonic water to the glass.

Pour the Cold Bro smooth­ly over and see how it makes fri­ends with the tonic. Sli­ce a pie­ce from a lemon and add it to the glass to give it an extra refres­hing and bra­cing tas­te.

Lean back and enjoy.

Smooth Sip


200 ml Cold Bro
200 ml Oat Milk


Prepa­re a glass with some ice cubes. Add the (oat) milk to the glass.

Pour the Cold Bro smooth­ly over and watch the fasci­na­ting play of streaks when the liquids mix. Stir it up to get a deli­cious­ly cre­a­my and smooth refresh­ment.

Enjoy to the fullest.

»This is a cold brew made with fri­ends – spe­cial thanks to Mak­sim from Kyso Café.«